And what, I hear you all collectively cry, is the Sasqwatch? Well, as it's name suggests, it's a cool-looking watch that has a definitively British Bigfoot-like appearance and quality to it, and which any and all self-respecting researchers, investigators and fans of Bigfoot definitely need to own.
Yolie was kind enough to mail me a "review-copy" of the Sasqwatch, which arrived in the post yesterday, and which you can see wrapped across my wrist in the new photo above.
Do I recommend the Sasqwatch to one and all? Of course, I do! Just remember: if you're out looking for the Brtitish Bigfoot, and you are actually fortunate enough to stumble across the legendary hairy beast, you're going to want to know at what time the historic encounter occurred - right? Definitely! And the Sasqwatch will allow you to do just that.
So, for that reason, now is the time to invest in your very own Sasqwatch, which can be obtained right here, at the official website that has been established to market this unique and special item. And, remember, Christmas is just around the corner, if you're looking for unusual gifts for family and friends...
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